A levy is a legal seizure of your property to satisfy a tax debt. A lien is a legal claim against property to secure payment of the tax debt. Delinquent reftunr occurs when you fail to file.
Whether you need to choose an entity type, business name, registration of your business with the state, registration of the fictitious business name, choose a location and zoning, obtain special licenses and permits, or obtain the EIN, we can help you.
The last thing a business owner should worry about is how to keep track of income and expenses. Irrespective of the size of the business, every business owner deals with this job as its avoidance creates risks that will have deteriorating consequences. One of the reasons some businesses cannot flourish and reach their growth is the absence of systematic record keeping. At the KTA, we simplify our business clients’ needs by providing them with bookkeeping and business accounting services. Our services free them from the challenge of managing their receivables and payables. No matter the need of your small business, we work with you and ensure that your book is clean and clear. We offer customized services based on your specific needs. Contact us and let us know how we can help you.
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